The PropEf (Effective Property) project is part of the R&D project led by LNCC entitled Multiscale Hydro-Geomechanical Computational Modeling of Karstified Fractured Carbonates,
whose objective is the development of a methodology for the calculation of equivalent properties dependent on the state of tension capable of
incorporate the presence of complex geological structures into thinner scales such as karst, fractures and faults.
PropEf is a plug-in for SKUA-GOCAD software capable of building pseudo coupling tables, which they discreetly incorporate dependence on the equivalent property with the state of tension, in addition to the respective multipliers associated with simulation cells in fractured media.
Using Oda's methodology, together with Barton and Bandi's law, the calculations associated with computational geomechanics are simplified by reduced representations, based on analytical calculation, assuming that, under edometric conditions and under the hypothesis of homogeneity of total tension, the vertical component is equal to loading and, horizontally, considered null horizontal deformation.