The COHIBA Petrel is a plug-in capable of coupling the COHIBA software with the Petrel software. The main goal is to provide the user with the capability to create a COHIBA model using data from a Petrel project. To do that, the plug-in provides a specialized and intuitive user interface...
VIEW PROJECTTurmy is a software program that numerically models the evolution, over time, of meandering channel in subaqueous environment. In order to do this, Turmy solves, analytically, a simplified Navier-Stokes equation, in order to calculate the chains velocity that allows the...
VIEW PROJECTThe SeisFLow software solves one of the greatest challenges in today’s geophysics inside of the Seismic 4D world. The software is built over the S2S – Simulator-to-Seismic computational library, which consists in a library capable of, from a petroleum reservoir simulation’s result...
VIEW PROJECTThe DEnDE software consists in the computing of a set of seismic attributes which are based on a spectral decomposition that is calculated by the continuous wavelet transformation method. In order to achieve the best possible results, DEnDE software makes strong use...
VIEW PROJECTPropEf is a plug-in for SKUA-GOCAD software capable of building pseudo coupling tables, which discretely incorporate the dependence of the equivalent property with the state of tension, in addition to the respective multipliers associated with the simulation in fractured media.
VIEW PROJECTShale gas is a geological formation composed by several levels of porosity, where the gas remains stored in poros of different sizes and is absorbed on the surface of the organic matter due to intermolecular forces. The motivation for researching in this area comes from the...
VIEW PROJECTBuilt from a project included in the tematic research network entitled Simulação e Gerenciamento de Reservatórios - SIGER (Reservoir's Simulation and Management) , the software also called SIGER consists in a numeric simulation computer program capable of...
VIEW PROJECTPLIM is a software program capable of calculating the limit of the water injection pressure in a reservoir utilizing as the injection pressure limit the criteria of faults reactivation of such reservoir. Using geometric parameters from the reservoir and from the reservoir faults, the...
VIEW PROJECTTwister-Ocean is a plugin for the Schlumberger Petrel software, responsible for integrating the Twister software into Petrel. The Twister software is a computational library that models several objects from the petroleum reservoir engineering and geophysics areas. These objects...
VIEW PROJECTERPD is the name given by DeepSoft and LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica (National Laboratory of Scientific Computing) to a computational library built from the needs of two projects executed together with LNCC in the SIGER...
VIEW PROJECTvKoreNodes is a robust computational library developed by DeepSoft for Vektore company that makes it possible to create nodes based software. The greatest advantage of this kind of application is to be able to intuitively handle the creation and manipulation of workflows...